On 10 October 1965, 3313 participated with 3830 in an RTM tour on the south coast which is fairly notorious thanks the enthusiastic shed crew at Eveleigh, who had 'silvered up' parts of the C38 and white-walled the tyres of the P class. (At least that is my recollection of the circumstances of the trip). Here's a shot at North Wollongong showing the 'damage'.
Anyway, 3313 was a bit of a favourite for tours down the Illawarra around that time, and the following shots record a family chase of the loco to Kiama. I suspect we joined the train at Wollongong, rather than motorcaded it but again, I could be wrong. The shots of the train are therefore likely to have been photostops. Anyway, without further half truths, onto three shots of the tour. Headed south, south of Albion Park Rail.
Crossing my favourite bridge at Bombo.
On the return at Mt St Thomas.
The most striking thing about these photos is the lack of urban sprawl - all three of these locations are now built out. The P class is a bit of alright too! Cheerds, Don
On 15 March 1964, 6027 worked an early Rail Transport Museum tour to Wyong. The purpose of the tour (if one was needed) was to travel across the old and new rail bridges at Ourimbah Creek. While the Creek may not be one of the great waterways one thinks of immediately, but according to the Railway Digest's report of the event 'approximately 370 persons travelled on an eleven car (527 tons) special train... worked by Beyer Garratt 6027 (fitted with dual control).' Several members of my family were included in the 370 souls interested in the creek, the bridges and/or the Garratt. This first shot shows 6027 cruising along the banks of Mullet Creek.
According to the Digest a 'highlight of the tour was the fact that the train travelled over both the old and the new rail bridges at Ourimbah Creek...'. I have carefully edited out those highly excited patrons from these next two shots so as to protect the innocent.
I am more inclined to accept the Digest's correspondent who noted that the 'sound of the 60 climbing Cowan Bank was a joy to listen to and brought back many memories of the past.' This last photo conveys some of this feeling.
Happy New Year to the entire readership! Although Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and Flickr seem to dominate our social media lives these days, I continue to be grateful for the opportunity to wax lyrical through blogging.It seems so 90s these days! For no particular reason I thought I would reproduce a few of the family's deep south shots from the early 1960s in this edition. Lets start with a couple of 1210 from a dull day in 1963. Lets hope 2019 brings an improvement in this loco's fortunes - certainly the recent announcement about the Canberra Railway Museum seem to indicate such a trajectory.
Jump forward a year to April 1964 and just up the road in Goulburn sits 5718 among other goods locos awaiting scrapping - including several 58s.
It can't be all about 'dead' locos so off the same roll of film we have 5118 at Cootamundra and 5157 at Junee - both the epitome of activity.
And now to wrap up with my usual conundrum for a final photograph. The writing on the slide frame says '3817 on down Melbourne Express at Holbrook 1960'. It may well be 3817, but it definitely isn't Holbrook as the Main South doesn't pass through that town. Based on the silos in the background it could be either Culcairn (which is just a few paddocks away from Holbrook) or even perhaps Henty. And it is technically not a 'Melbourne Express' either - it is either the Riverina Express (most likely) or an InterCapital Daylight Express (less likely? - I am only guessing). Regardless of these quibbles, it is a lovely snap of a black 38er on an air-conditioned set, and I am grateful in 2019 that one of my forebears stopped the Hillman to photograph. I can be certain about the Hillman because this family only ever drove Hillmans!