Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Best laid plans go astray - Part I

I am an avid collector of railway plans.  Yes, another foible.

Over the years I have enjoyed getting a musty piece of bond paper or a blue print, four cans of tomato soup (to pin the rolled paper to a flat surface, of course), and then poring over it.

One of the two most exciting days of my life was about 20 years ago when I walked into a second hand shop to find this battered canister sitting forlornly in a corner.

Yes, now it sits at my front door, alongside an equally battered Tasma radio and a pair of battered school shoes.

Closer inspection of that canister revealed the writing on the top as follows:

Sadly, the canister was empty.  But the second most exciting day happened when I walked into another second hand shop on another day to find a plan of the NSWGR's Eveleigh precinct, showing the planned destruction of the remainder of a once-great steam locomotive depot in order to build AcDep (the depot to service air conditioned cars).

There are not enough tomato soup tins in existence to show you this plan, but it is curled up in the aforementioned canister, waiting to travel to a certain railway museum once I have shuffled off this earth.

But enough of that - back to plans. I like plans a great deal because I can't draw a straight line.  There is great skill in producing 2 dimensional rendering of 3D objects.  And the Australian Model Railway Magazine (AMRM) and Motive Power magazine have published some very good plans.  

What follows is an incomplete list, covering the plans of interest to me from the first 20 volumes of the AMRM (which are now available on CD) and selected issues of Motive Power.  I am not reproducing the plans here - that breaches copyright and is an insult to the work/art of the drafters.  But the following information may help someone track down a plan for modelling or enjoyment.

Type Classification Location VOL Alt class Comment
Carriage AB90 AMRM 119
Carriage ACM AMRM 93
Carriage ACM AMRM 93
Carriage ACS AMRM 80
Carriage AF AMRM 218
Carriage BH AMRM 107
Carriage BI AMRM 57
Carriage BS AMRM 67
Carriage CCA AMRM 135
Carriage DCC AMRM 214 752 AND 753
Carriage FG AMRM 117
Carriage FH AMRM 107
Carriage FH AMRM 107
Carriage FO AMRM 57
Carriage FS AMRM 66
Carriage FZ 165 AMRM 57
Carriage HFH AMRM 110
Carriage HFH AMRM 110
Carriage HLF AMRM 23
Carriage KAM AMRM 236
Carriage LFA AMRM 23
Carriage LLB AMRM 23
Carriage MAL AMRM 158
Carriage PFH AMRM 110
Carriage RBH AMRM 110
Carriage RDH AMRM 113
Carriage RFH AMRM 110
Carriage TAM AMRM 83
Diesel-Electric 20 AMRM 55
Diesel-Electric 40 AMRM 51
Diesel-Electric 41 AMRM 71
Diesel-Electric 42 AMRM 78
Diesel-Electric 43 AMRM 43
Diesel-Electric 45 AMRM 164
Diesel-Electric 45 AMRM 1
Diesel-Electric 46 AMRM 40
Diesel-Electric 47 AMRM 116
Diesel-Electric 49 AMRM 109
Diesel-Electric 49 AMRM 70
Diesel-Electric 72 AMRM 95
Diesel-Electric 73 AMRM 93
Diesel-Electric 421 AMRM 91
Diesel-Electric 422 AMRM 92
Diesel-Electric 442 AMRM 442
Diesel-Electric 600 AMRM 169
Diesel-Electric 700 AMRM 109
Diesel-Electric 930 AMRM 87
Diesel-Electric AIS 1012HP AMRM 118
Diesel-Electric B AMRM 137
Diesel-Electric CL AMRM 85
Diesel-Electric CR AMRM 122
Diesel-Electric GM1 AMRM 104
Diesel-Electric GM12 AMRM 89
Diesel-Electric GMI AMRM 203
Diesel-Electric GMIII AMRM 203
Diesel-Electric GMIII AMRM 203
Diesel-Electric GMIV AMRM 203
Diesel-Electric NR AMRM 221
Diesel-Electric S AMRM 85
Diesel-Electric X AMRM 107
Diesel-Electric X100 AMRM 127
Diesel-Electric X200 AMRM 131
Diesel-Electric X200 AMRM 60
Diesel-Electric Y AMRM 106
Electric U Boat AMRM 82
Infrastructure Bridge - road overpass AMRM 65
Infrastructure Bridge - trestle AMRM 116
Infrastructure Coal Stage - Merriwa AMRM 156
Infrastructure Goods Shed - G1b AMRM 146
Infrastructure Goods Shed - Gwabegar AMRM 117
Infrastructure Goods Shed - Menangle AMRM 88
Infrastructure Goods Shed - Newbridge AMRM 75
Infrastructure Goods shed - Sutherland AMRM 70
Infrastructure Goods shed - Waterfall AMRM 110
Infrastructure Hotel - Railway Hotel AMRM 82
Infrastructure Oil gantry - Aubur AMRM 84
Infrastructure S016 AMRM 170
Infrastructure S024 AMRM 170
Infrastructure Shed - Gangers' shed - Berry AMRM 233
Infrastructure Shed - Out of - Yass AMRM 159
Infrastructure Signal Box - Cox's Gap AMRM 141
Infrastructure Signal box - Loftus Junction AMRM 142
Infrastructure Signal Box - Tarcutta AMRM 141
Infrastructure Signal Box - Tumulla AMRM 97
Infrastructure Signal Box - Wattamondara AMRM 141
Infrastructure Signal Box - Wingen AMRM 141
Infrastructure Station - Clergate AMRM 82
Infrastructure Turntable - 105' twin span AMRM 164
Infrastructure Turntable - 50' steel AMRM 118
Infrastructure Turntable - 60' cast iron AMRM 126
Infrastructure Turntable - 60' Steel AMRM 133
Infrastructure Turntable - 75' standard AMRM 138
Infrastructure Turntable - 90' twin span AMRM 145
Infrastructure Water tank - Abury AMRM 7
Infrastructure Water tank - Gosford AMRM 7
Infrastructure Water tank - Holbrook AMRM 7
Locomotive 19 AMRM 15
Locomotive 20 AMRM 57
Locomotive 30 AMRM 14
Locomotive 36 AMRM 31
Locomotive 38 AMRM 23
Locomotive 57 AMRM 15
Locomotive 58 AMRM 77
Locomotive 1021 AMRM 43
Locomotive Hawthorne Lesley AMRM 228 7' Luffing Crane
Locomotive N69 AMRM 130
Locomotive Q158 AMRM 162
Locomotive Shay - C class AMRM 160
Locomotive SMR 10 class AMRM 102
Locomotive South Bulli 4 AMRM 98
Locomotive Tender - 3650 gallon AMRM 153
Locomotive Tender - LO32 AMRM 118
Locomotive Tender - standard turret AMRM 90
Locomotive Tender - Z16 AMRM 141
Railcar 400 AMRM 62
Railcar 400 AMRM 226
Railcar CPH AMRM 25
Railcar CPH AMRM 35
Railcar GT AMRM 73
Railcar PHB AMRM 7
Railcar Tram - F class AMRM 74
Railcar Tram - R class AMRM 38
Van 8300 AMRM 102
Van HG AMRM 28
Van PFH AMRM 107
Van PHG AMRM 120
Wagon Ashbury Cattle Wagon AMRM 180 1862 & 1890 types
Wagon B AMRM 114
Wagon BBW AMRM 20
Wagon BCW AMRM 74
Wagon BD AMRM 206
Wagon BDS AMRM 206
Wagon BDY AMRM 181
Wagon BKG AMRM 101
Wagon BKX AMRM 137
Wagon BMT1 AMRM 94
Wagon BMT12 AMRM 94
Wagon BPV AMRM 101
Wagon BSV AMRM 195
Wagon BSV AMRM 74
Wagon BWF AMRM 185
Wagon BWH AMRM 49
Wagon CDY AMRM 96
Wagon CG AMRM 177
Wagon CH AMRM 47
Wagon CKF AMRM 86
Wagon CME AMRM 197
Wagon CW AMRM 30
Wagon CW AMRM 71
Wagon CW AMRM 91 Elephant wagon
Wagon D AMRM 170
Wagon DKG AMRM 98
Wagon ELX AMRM 171
Wagon ELX AMRM 111
Wagon ESSO Oil Tanker AMRM 216 Car 14
Wagon ESSO Oil Tanker AMRM 216 Car 15
Wagon FME AMRM 3
Wagon FME AMRM 224
Wagon FMW AMRM 154
Wagon G AMRM 143
Wagon GP AMRM 143
Wagon GSV AMRM 30
Wagon HLX AMRM 226
Wagon HME AMRM 190
Wagon HMX AMRM 190
Wagon ICV AMRM 235
Wagon K AMRM 115
Wagon K AMRM 234
Wagon K wagon water tank AMRM 84
Wagon KKG AMRM 101
Wagon L AMRM 42
Wagon L 797 AMRM 88
Wagon LCL AMRM 7
Wagon MCV AMRM 93
Wagon MKG AMRM 99
Wagon MLE AMRM 187
Wagon MLE AMRM 3
Wagon MLE AMRM 26
Wagon MLV AMRM 115
Wagon MRC AMRM 139
Wagon MRC AMRM 18
Wagon NCMF AMRM 197
Wagon NMKX AMRM 137
Wagon NODY AMRM 181
Wagon NOEF AMRM 177
Wagon NRWF AMRM 154
Wagon Robertson Private Colliery Hopper AMRM 180
Wagon RU AMRM 147
Wagon RU AMRM 28
Wagon S AMRM 191 5 types
Wagon S AMRM 192 3 types
Wagon SCA AMRM 194 5000 gallon
Wagon Shell tanker AMRM 104
Wagon Shunter's float L415 AMRM 58
Wagon SKG AMRM 99
Wagon Sleeper AMRM 192 4wheel
Wagon SRC AMRM 11
Wagon TE AMRM 96
Wagon TRC AMRM 198
Wagon TRC AMRM 37
Wagon U AMRM 234
Wagon UME AMRM 3
Wagon VLX AMRM 71
Wagon WHX AMRM 89
Wagon WSC AMRM 188
Diesel-Electric 47 Motive Power 36
Diesel-Electric 47 Motive Power 35
Diesel-Electric 5000 Motive Power 421
Diesel-Electric A Motive Power 34
Diesel-Electric B Motive Power 34
Diesel-Electric VL Motive Power 52
Diesel-Electric XRB Motive Power 45
Wagon GLV/TLV Motive Power 30