Every working day I travel past Mortuary Station twice. It hit me last week that it is an excellent modelling proposition for someone with more time, skills and patience than I have.
I guess the main drawback is that unless you are determined to model pre-electrification then there is not a real lot of shunting interest on an in/out model. On the positive side, only a fairly limited range of models needed and these are/were available commercially. And the building is still there.
Anyway I hit the family photo collection, expecting to find 100s of helpful shots. As usual, there was just one. But it did explode my assumption about the area being of limited interest. I had figured that there had only been three or four parcels vans, but in this photo from around 1980 I think I can make out six vans.
And there is more diversity in liveries than I thought too. Apart from the Blue Spot and PTC Blue/White liveries shown in the previous photographs, this shot of a service at Lidcombe in 1992 has the original Indian Red and the reverse arrows.
So, modelling proposition #587 identified. One of these days...
This is Flemington station, not Lidcombe.