This post is in part to reference a private conversation with the Senior Train Hunter about the liveries of Shell oil tankers and to also post a couple of shots I have posted elsewhere (from memory).
It is a warm day here in Sydney and these shots convey the heat of the Central West of NSW to me anyway. The first one is black & white and from May 1979. Its how I usually find Wellington - devoid of trains. But it is a beautiful building and that awning can save you from the heat.
Here's the shot in question from the conversation - 3610, a western pig - is about to obscure a lovely Shell tanker in Wellington yard.
And this one feels even warmer - 6004 on 8 April 1966 with a good sized load.
And where better to cool off on a hot day than the Macquarie River? This one from 1963 - you could bathe and still enjoy the odd steam loco thundering overhead.