Sunday, March 29, 2015

A few from the coast

Time for a few photos taken up the north coast on one of the oldies' Alco chasing holidays - or at least I suspect that is why Nambucca Heads was on my parents' #1 holiday destination until the Alcos were withdrawn.

I'll start with a little Alco leading a big one...

Next up, 4495 is leading an Alco haze. Would love to have been there to listen to that train rumble through.

Next up is two shots of the same train, being led by 44212.

Nothing says 'north coast' to me more that a 442 and a 45.  In this case 44232 and 4523 says it. And its a 'going away' shot, which suggests someone may have been slow to get the camera out of the bag?

 I'll finish up with a shot of (I think) 4451 bringing the North Coast Mail into Coffs Harbour.

Ciao for now!

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